Here are some photo's from my latest roll of film that I took around my studio space. I currently work from home in a room that was built originally as a hallway/walkway that we renovated to make into a separate room. I live in an unusual setup, a wooden cabin-type building (we like to call it the chalet!) in the bottom of my parents garden behind a fence. I live with my boyfriend and our dog and we are currently saving to buy our first property. So back to the studio… it's a good size space for the work I do as it has a full length desk the width of the room that was originally wood that I added a sheet of white perspex to to create a large white desk. We also painted the room white which I love and there's a lovely big window that allows alot of light in (sometimes too much and I feel like I need to be wearing sunglasses at my desk - note to self must buy blind!) Along the windowsill I have some plants including the succulent above, I'm slowly adding more and more plants to my space and I'm obsessed. My desk houses my iMac, two printers and little piles of sketchbooks and notebooks like the stack in the above shot - I love the abstract book that I found in a charity shop, it has beautiful marbled end pages. The butterfly box holds some transfers, a few instax pics and some stickers.


Underneath the desk theres lots of drawers that I keep bits tucked away and try to keep organised. I have five moodboards in my studio each with a different purpose or theme. Above is a section of images from my biggest moodboard (that I made by painting a sheet of MDF.) To be honest I like to have clutter around me not on my desk but on the walls, I love pinning inspirational quotes and images and changing them frequently depending on my mood. Photo 5 is a pic of some images blue-tacked by my desk - a page from last month's Elle, I love the current art-trend inspired fashion. Some printouts from Lisa Congdon's sketchbook that can be seen on her blog and a Picasso inspired shoot from Vogue Australia that I saw on designlovefest blog. In the corner of my desk sits my Project life binder, inspiration scrapbook and a new album I painted and re-covered for a personal memory book I made for a friend's birthday. The last photo is a peek at one of the shelves in my studio where I keep jam jars full of pens, lead and a little stack of mini moleskins.